Sunday, April 1, 2012

DATING A COUGAR featured in magazine

I just saw that DATING A COUGAR is featured in the April Issue of the Boca Raton Observer. They're using the physical book in the photo. How cool is that?

A friend of mine who used to live in Boca Raton said this magazine is sometimes called the "People magazine of the South". It's nicely laid out and the reviewer does a nice job summarizing the story.

You can look for the review on actual pages 34 and 36 which might start around page 37 in the online file embedded here.

Many, many thanks to my brilliant cover artists Dara England of LFD Designs for Authors and Amanda Kelsey of Razzle Dazzle Designs.

1 comment:

Hallee Bridgeman said...

Congratulations, Donna! That's great!
