Saturday, May 14, 2011

Birth Announcement: Carved In Stone out to editor

For a writer, there really is nothing like finishing a book and getting it out to the editor.  I am still hoping to get it back, revised, and published by the end of May, but it's looking more like the first weekend in June now.  Sorry.  It turned out to be a more complex story than I thought. 

After this week, the analogy of book writing to giving birth suddenly makes sense to me. I had Chapters 1-16 finished for ages. Even the beta reader finished those several weeks ago. It was the last five chapters that hurt the most and took me more than two weeks to resolve. When this one was finally finished, it really was like those first few hours after birth where a mother stares in shock at the new human that came out of her and wonders how it all happened. Too tired from labor to appreciate the higher purpose of creating new life, all the mother can think is "Thank God, that work is over." That's exactly how I'm feeling right now to finally see this book finished. My characters and their emotional problems wore me out. If it wasn't for the women fighting over my hero in the final scenes, I'd have never made it. It was the most fun I'd had with them in over a month.

So tonight I'm exhausted and tomorrow (May 15) is my birthday. I can only say thank you to the muses for granting me one more. Finishing a story is the best birthday present in the world for me this year.

Read Chapter 1 posted in a note on Facebook. 

Also, the cover was finished this week, too. Thanks to my cover artist Dara England for another fun one! 


Christy Townzen said...

Looking forward to reading it. Happy Birthday, Donna.

Unknown said...

Cant wait to read it! Are you going to do a fourth book in the never to late series? I'm dying to know what happens!
Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Rebecca, yes I am doing a fourth book. It is Jenna's and Seth story. I am hoping to get it out late June, but it may end up being July. I'm working on it next. Thanks for asking!

Botanyflora said...

Happy belated Birthday, Donna.
I just gotten thru reading the last book of your series. I can't wait for you to finish the Jenna and Seth story.
Also read tht first chapter of "carved in stone", can't wait for that one either.
I need to slow down reading your books - I am going thru withdrawl. LOL
Hugs -

Unknown said...

You make me want to write more and faster. If only I didn't have a day job. LOL back.