Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Profound Thinking About Orgasm

If talking about female orgasm bothers you dear reader, please skip this post. Come back to it whenever you are ready to hear this because this presentation contains some profound truths.

I may have to create another label for posts like this one called "Regina Recommends" named after my sex therapist character in Dating Dr. Notorious. Creating that character changed me. I wish I had time to go back to school and get a degree in it. My family would be appalled and that's just one of the perks.

I actually first heard about this TED Talks presenter on a Men's Health Daily podcast which was recommended to me by a good male friend who listens to it. Daedone was a guest author being interviewed about the subject matter of her book and just touched on it in the podcast. She was fun and entertaining to listen to, but when they mentioned her book Slow Sex, I remembered I had added that book to my Amazon wishlist. Since I didn't recall why I specially put it there, I decided to go listen the TED Talk to hear what she has to say.

Immediately after, the book went into my shopping cart. I'm looking forward to its arrival.

I also plan to write a sex scene in a romance incorporating this technique one day. My instinct says it holds a lot of value to those women lucky enough to be on the receiving end of a learned man's finger or thumb.


Angie M said...

I think a Regina Recommends column would be a great idea. I believe that women need to take control of our sex lives. Information is power! Dr Logan is one of my favorite characters & I would love to hear more from her!

Unknown said...

Angie, I created the label. If you look on the top left of the blog, you will see it. This post and all future ones similar to it will be findable that way.


JM said...

Fascinating! I enjoyed listening to her. Wish she had spoken longer, actually. Thanks Donna.

Patricia said...

VERY cool video. Thanks for sharing.